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Guesting on James Elden’s Playwright’s Spotlight, a Playwriting Podcast

As we all know, if there's one thing I love, it's the sound of my own voice.

<a href="" target="_self">Greg</a>


Posted on 20 April 2022

Published in Playwright, Producer
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The Allegory of the Cave by Plato

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Playwright and Producer Gregory Crafts guesting on the Playwright's Spotlight podcast with James Elden
In the studio with James Elden! Photo Credit: Me

Guesting on James Elden’s Playwright’s Spotlight, a Playwriting Podcast

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3 min read

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Check out my episode of James Elden’s Playwright’s Spotlight, one of the best new theatre podcasts, and one of the best podcasts about writing!

Last week, I had the pleasure of being a guest on James Elden’s Playwright’s Spotlight, a theatre podcast about playwriting.

His show usually runs a solid hour to ninety minutes, and it’s a “writers on writing” podcast. However, we did a full two hours talking not just about writing, but about making theatre, how the art form has changed in the last few years, and why it’s so important to not only be ready to “wear all the hats”, but why you need to be your own best career advocate. James asked some insightful questions, and I hope I gave him exactly what he was looking for (and then some).

I always take the opportunity to guests on podcasts about theatre, or podcasts about writing, or… well, a podcast about anything, really… and I usually have a great time. But I have to say, this isn’t just one of the best podcasts for writers, but one of the best theatre podcasts for creative multi-hypehnates – people who are ready to do it all; acting, writing, directing, and producing!

You can find James Elden’s Playwright’s Spotlight on most podcast platforms, or watch the session on YouTube, embedded above!

Check out the episode description below:

If there’s a Playwright’s Spotlight episode that encompasses all aspects of theatre that not only playwrights could benefit from but also actors, directors, and producer, this interview with Gregory Crafts is it. The amount of information Gregory offers is abundant and inspirational. We discuss bringing “the” human to dialogue, recognizing one’s weaknesses, the dangers of not acquiring the rights to plays, ego in theatre and entitlement in playwriting, festivals, finding a tribe, how to successfully stream theatre, and the conflicts of interest while producing and performing within the confines of Actors Equity. It’s a well-rounded episode that anyone involved in theatre will benefit from, so be sure to share it with your favorite thespian, playwright, director, or producer.

Gregory Crafts is a playwright, actor, producer, and director. He co-founded the non-profit Theatre Unleashed and currently runs studio/stage in Koreatown in Los Angeles, California. He is a member of the Dramatists Guild and the Alliance of Los Angeles Playwrights. His plays include Friends Like These, Super Sidekick: The Musical, Three Can Keep a Secret, and (It’s Been Seventy-Six Years and We’re) Still Waiting for Lefty.

Sites and Resources Discussed in this Episode

Contact and Socials for Gregory Crafts

Websites and socials for James Elden, Punk Monkey Productions and Playwright’s Spotlight

James Elden

Punk Monkey Productions and PLAY Noir

Playwright’s Spotlight, a playwriting podcast


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Gregory Crafts

Gregory Crafts


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