This past month’s been pretty intense. Between designing lights for two productions back-to-back (plus doing electrical work on a third), lining up multiple new partnerships for The StageCrafts for 2024, and hosting a group of writers on a long weekend up in the mountains, I’ve been going pretty hard. In fact, things are getting so complicated and changing so rapidly, I’ve had to figure out a new organization system to keep track of everything.
And then, of course, the SAG-AFTRA strike ended! Or it’s been suspended, at least. We have a tentative agreement on the table, and I’m trying to learn everything I can about it so I can make an informed decision and get my ballot in before the voting deadline.
The upcoming month’s calendar doesn’t look any less crowded, but at least most of it is holidays and travel. I’m looking forward to having a moment to catch my breath and get myself situated so I can hit the ground running in 2024.
So, without further ado, here’s what I accomplished this past month, and my goals for the upcoming month.

With the suspension of the SAG-AFTRA strike, I took the liberty of shaving my strike beard. Much to my wife’s delight.
What I did for my acting and playwriting careers in October and November 2023:
- Hosted the Theatre Unleashed Q4 Writing Retreat, where I made significant progress on the latest draft of The Monstrodyssey
- Checked in w/ Paulette 4x
- Did a writing Session w/ Jon Dorf
- Had coffee w/ my Manager
- Picketed 2x (and then the strike was suspended! Yay!)
- Posted to my Instagram 10x
- Completed self-submissions on ActorsAcccess 29x
- Went to the Gym 6x (goal was 12, but I tweaked my back and had to take a couple weeks off)
- Posted one new blog to my website
- Began reorganizing my life into projects and tasks to better keep track of things
- Researched YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels
- Prep for game session w/ Ryan re: gaming project
- Write up notes for meeting w/ Brett re: HFF24 project
- Had 3 Auditions
- Saw Bono and the Edge Waiting for GoDominos at The Broadwater
- Recruited director and 4 out of 5 roles for Three Can Keep a Secret for HFF24
- Reached out to two friends who’ve produced at EdFringe and solicited advice
- Shot a scene for Paulette’s demo reel
- Networked with agents and department heads from Gersh at an Emerson Alumni event
- Guested on the M3 podcast to talk about the strike

Theatre Unleashed Q4 Writers Group attendees! 100% forgot to get the group shot until it was just the three of us. Sorry Kate and Isaiah! From lef to right: Me, Brandie, and Rena
My acting and playwriting career objectives for November and December 2023
- Shoot 4 practice self-tapes
- Check in w/ Paulette 1/week
- Writing Session w/ Jon Dorf 1/week
- Post to Instagram 1/day
- Self-submissions 1/day
- Hit the Gym 3/week
- Post a Blog at least 1x/week
- Sign up for Improv 101 Intensive at UCB
- Update Target TV Show List
- Watch 3 episodes of 10 target shows, researching co-stars and their reps
- Schedule Q1 2024 Writing Retreat
- See Baby Foot at Rogue Machine Theater
- Learn lines for Three Can Keep a Secret
- Research Yes and No arguments on new SAG-AFTRA Agreement
- Vote on new SAG-AFTRA Agreement